Hello everyone, some weeks ago we announced that soon a way to download simfile templates, without joining our Discord Server, would be coming. That function is now available for everyone by using our new Serenity Simfile Templates Page which includes all templates available for that song, the banner for that song, and BPM info.


But this is not all!

We went ahead and also added a form for you to submit files, without joining our Discord Server, by using the Direct Chart Submission Form Page.


Those new pages should allow those without access to Discord to submit content for the community pack, take note that we'd like you to still use Discord if you can as is a lot easier to organize content and ask for a fix when something is wrong.

Future Plans

Here's a list of more Serenity-related content we plan to bring to the website.

  1. Up-To-Date Individual Volume Package Download.
  2. Serenity Volume Resume. (Port from the current one available from our wiki)
  3. Serenity Profile Resume. (Port from the current one available from our wiki)

That's the news for now, we can't wait to see what more you can bring to OutFox Serenity!