Welcome everyone, I'm again late with this post as things have got way busier lately, Project OutFox will finally release alpha 4.9.9, the community pack is reaching the deadline, we have launched many more programs....we are really busy. But now let's see the news.

A while ago we announced that Project Moondance merged with Team Rizu to create the OutFox Team, this will also reflect in our blogposts now as we will mention OutFox Community Team projects. (Tiny-Foxes is an OutFox Community Team project!)


New Project

noteskins by JapanYoshi

This repository was created to host noteskins by JapanYoshi that will join our Community NoteSkins Program. (Will explain more about it down the post)

Project Updates


Got updated to reflect the Moondance branding removal.


Got updated to match recent changes on OutFox Website.

OutFox-ja, OutFox-PTBR, OutFox-he, Outfox-fr, OutFox-PL, OutFox-zh-CN

Got updated to add the new Alpha 4.9.9 lines.

All repositories that had "Moondance" naming or mention have been replaced with "OutFox", "OutFox Team" or "OutFox Community Team"

OutFox Community Pack

The deadline for the first season of the pack is tomorrow! This, however, does NOT mean you can't submit music, charts, or graphics, there are many more seasons to come and the more you help the more seasons are released!

If you're interested in participating then please join our Discord Server.

Community NoteSkins

Recently we released another community project to showcase the community NoteSkins, this means that if you make noteskins for Project OutFox, you'll be able to showcase them on our Website. Currently, we only showcase noteskins that aren't in the game already, this is going to change in the future, but we will be making blogposts of noteskins that do join, so reach out in our Discord Server to submit your NoteSkin!

Read more about this project here.

Here are some noteskins that were submitted by the community:

By Aqui

Alpha NoteSkins

By JapanYoshi

Mikado (Global NoteSkin)



This one has blue holds that's why the note is the same!

By yaladre

See the noteskin on this video

This one has been submitted to join Project OutFox so that's why you can't see it on the Project Outfox Website.


Every translator (who has submitted a translation and got released with any Project OutFox Alpha) now has access to our Webmasters program. This means access to Documentation, Profiles, and Tools to translate the Project Outfox Website to any language, if you also wish to help please contact us in our Discord Server!

OutFox Wiki

The entire OutFox Team worked together to create the new version of our Wiki with an updated look, content, and navigation.

A summary of the recently added documentation is:

  • FAQ has been merged, the FAQ in our Wiki contains the most up to date information and all other FAQs should now redirect here.
  • Preferences File updated, almost all preferences now include the default value, usage, value examples, and description.
  • Installation uses Hugo features to better organize its contents.
  • Dev Team uses Hugo features to better organize its contents.
  • Translation uses Hugo features to better organize its contents.

We're still accepting community documentation submissions with the same repository as the old wiki Outfox.wiki/.

If you have any content/community/page that had a redirect to our wiki, check your links, they have changed a lot!

Read more about the new wiki here

This is it, for now, more and more announcements are coming so be sure to keep an eye on our Website News!